1. School: General Information and Academic Administration


Source: https://ngalam.co/2019/02/11/sejarah-smk-negeri-4-malang-lahir-tangan-keuskupan-malang/


School Logo

SMKN 4 was founded in 1938, under the name of the First Printing Technical School (STTP) which was established by the Catholic Church under the diocese of Malang, led by Mrg. Aliers, O.Cam, with Fr. Cicilianus HCA Lommelars as principal. In 1953, STTP was renamed the School of Craft Country (SKN), which accepted new students from the People’s School (SR). SKN changed its name to Printing High School in 1954 which was located on Jl. Bengawan Solo No. 38 Malang. In 1957, the Printing High School was changed to the Printing Education Teachers School (SGPT Percetakan). In 1959, SGPT Percetakan was replaced again by the Graphic Engineering Middle School (STM Grafika), with M. Sultany Arief as the school principal. Until finally, in 1996 STM Grafika changed its name to SMK Negeri 4 Malang, along with that the location also moved to Jl. Tanimbar No. 22 Malang until now.


State Vocational School 4 Malang is a Vocational High School in Malang which is located on Jl. Tanimbar 22 Malang. Vocational High School 4 Malang (Graphic) has 9 majors namely, Graphic Preparation, Graphic Production, Multimedia, Software Engineering (RPL), Computer and Network Engineering (TKJ), Animation, Mechatronics, Logistics and Hotel Accomodation. The number of students in SMK 4 Malang is around 3300 students, with details of each class consisting of approximately 1100 students.

Vision and Mission

VISI : Menjadikan tamatan unggul dibidang imtaq,iptek,berkarakter dan berwawasan lingkungan yang dapat bekerja dan dapat melanjutkan ke jenjang pendidikan yang lebih tinggi.

VISION :Making superior graduates in the field of IMTAQ, Science and Technology, Character and Environmentally friendly who can work and can continue to a higher level of education.


• Membekali siswa dengan kompetensi yang sesuai dengan perkembangan teknologi bekerja secara berkelanjutan & ditunjang dengan iman dan taqwa.

• Memgembangkan prestasi akademik melalui persiapan tenga kerja, belajar sepanjang hayat & inovasi belajar.

• Menyiapkan siswa menjadi individu yang mandiri atau berwirausaha mempunyai karakter yang unggul , dan bersaing di tingkat pasar global.

• Menginspirasi, mendukung &menguatkan siswa melalui pendidikan bermutu dan mengembangkan karir sehingga siap melayani masyarakat.

• Membangkan sikap siswa untuk mencintai lingkungan , merawat lingkungan, dan menjaga kelestarian lingkungan alam sekitar.

• Memberikan layanan Prima kepada masyarat dan sta


• Equipping students with competencies that are appropriate to the development of technology to work in a sustainable manner & supported by faith and piety.

• Develop academic achievement through work preparation, lifelong learning & learning innovation.

• Prepare students to become independent individuals or entrepreneurs who have superior character, and compete at the global market level.

• Inspire, support & strengthen students through quality education and career development so that they are ready to serve the community.

• Explain the attitude of students to love the environment, care for the environment, and preserve the surrounding natural environment.

• Providing prime services to the community and stakeholders.



Program Keahlian yang mempersiapkan siswa menjadi terampil di bidang desain dan proses persiapan reproduksi grafika (media cetak) . Siswa dibekali kemampuan dasar seni dan desain, penguasaan software desain grafis penguasaan setting dan tata letak media.


Expertise program that prepares students to become skilled in the design and preparation process of graphic reproduction (print media). Students are provided with basic skills in art and design, mastery of graphic design software, mastery of media settings and layout.


Program Keahlian yang mempersiapkan siswa menjadi terampil di bidang desain dan penguasaan teknologi informasi multimedia. Siswa debekali kemampuan dasarseni dan desain, penguasaan software desain grafis dan multimedia (2D dan 3D) , desain web , dan media interaktif, fotografi , editing audiovisual.

MULTIMEDIA Expertise program that prepares students to become skilled in the design and mastery of multimedia information technology. Students have basic skills in art and design, mastery of graphic and multimedia design software (2D and 3D), web design, and interactive media, photography, audiovisual editing.


Program Keahlian yang mempersiapkan siswa menjadi tenaga terampil di bidang animasi. Siswa dibekali kemampuan seni dan desain, kemampuan menggambar manual/digital, penguasaan software animasi, penguassan teknik animasi 2D dan 3D , dan spesial efek, fotografi, sinematografi, dan produksi film animasi.


A Skills Program that prepares students to become skilled workers in the field of animation. Students are equipped with art and design skills, manual / digital drawing skills, mastery of animation software, mastery of 2D and 3D animation techniques, and special effects, photography, cinematography, and animation film production.


Program Keahlian yang mempersiapkan siswa menjadi terampil di bidang teknik produksi grafika (percetakan) mencakup penguasaan berbagai jenis mesin dalam industri percetakan dan berbagai teknik cetak (offset, sablon, tinggi/khusus) pemahaman cara kerja mesin, praktik operasional mesin, perawatan dan pemeliharaan mesin, teknik jilid kemas, dan kalkulasi biaya produksi.


The Skills Program that prepares students to become skilled in graphic production techniques (printing) includes mastering various types of machinery in the printing industry and various printing techniques (offset, screen printing, high / special) understanding how machines work, machine operational practices, machine maintenance and maintenance, volume binding techniques, and production cost calculations.


Program Keahlian yang mempersiapkan siswa menjadi terampil profesional di bidang perangkat keras komputer dan jaringan. Kemampuan yang dimiliki siswa dalam program keahlian ini meliputi elektronika digital dasar, instalasi sistem operasi berbasis GUI dan text (Open Source dan Proprietary) , Setting LAN, WAN, Serta merangcang berbagai jenis server.


Expertise programs that prepare students to become skilled professionals in the field of computer and network hardware. The abilities of students in this expertise program include basic digital electronics, installation of GUI and text-based operating systems (Open Source and Proprietary), LAN, WAN settings, and designing various types of servers.

6. REKAYASA PERANGKAT LUNAK Program Keahlian yang mempersiapkan siswa menjadi terampil di bidang pemograman software. iswa di bekali kemampuan dasar instalasi hardware dan software komputer, peguasaan bahasa pemograman (Java, Delphi , Pascal, C++, Basis, PHP dsb) , dan pengolahan data base (Microsoft Access, MySQL, dsb.


Expertise program that prepares students to become skilled in software programming. students are provided with the basic capabilities of installing computer hardware and software, mastery of programming languages (Java, Delphi, Pascal, C ++, Base, PHP etc.), and processing of data bases (Microsoft Access, MySQL, etc.


Program Keahlian yang mempersiapkan siswa menjadi DM yang profesional,terampil dan handal untuk memenuhi kebutuhan tenaga kerja di bidang Logistik dalam rangka mewujudkan sistem Logistik Nasional dengan cara melaksanakan pembelajaran untuk membentuk lulusan yang memiliki komitmen dalam mengembangkan dan menerapkan ilmu tata kelola Logistik .


Expertise program that prepares students to become DM who are professional, skilled and reliable to meet the needs of the workforce in the field of Logistics in order to realize the National Logistics system by carrying out learning to form graduates who are committed to developing and applying the science of Logistics governance.


Program Keahlian yang mempersiapkan siswa menjadi terampil di bidang teknik mesin, elektronika, Informatika dan pengaturan (atau teknik kendali) untuk merancang membuat atau memproduksi, mengopreraksikan & memelihara sebuah sistem untuk mencapal tujuan yang diinginkan.


Expertise program that prepares students to become skilled in mechanical engineering, electronics, informatics and regulation (or control engineering) to design create or produce, operate & maintain a system to achieve desired goal.


Program Keahlian yang mempersiapkan siswa menjadi terampil di bidang yang menerapkan pengetahuan,keterampilam & ilmu perhotelan khususnya dalam perencanaan, memproduksi, pengawasan pengelolaan jasa penginapan atau mengaturdan kegiatan operasional hotel, kemampuan berbahasa asing dan kemampuan mengelola bisnis perhotelan.


Expertise program that prepares students to become skilled in the fields that apply hospitality knowledge, skills & knowledge especially in planning, producing, overseeing the management of lodging services or managing hotel operations and activities, foreign language skills and the ability to manage the hospitality business.

Official Clubs and Organization

  • The Flag Ceremony Attendance
  • Scout
  • Red Cross
  • Moslems Club
  • Reuse, Reduce, Recycle
  • Futsal
  • Football
  • Volley
  • Basketball
  • Hiking & Climbing
  • Pencak Silat
  • Karate
  • Traditional Dance
  • Broadcasting
  • Choir
  • Band
  • English Debate
  • Karawitan (Javanese Traditional Music)
  • Badminton
  • Art
  • Taekwondo
  • Students Police
  • Airsoftgun
  • Jurnalistics

Unofficial clubs and organizations

  • Modern Dance
  • Japanese Club
  • Young Librarian
  • Young Entrepreneur
  • Robotics

1.2 Academic Support System

Students are equuipped with the best facilities per department . The academic support system includes the following:


Computer Laboratory

Animation Laboratory





1.3 Teaching System

In a week, all subjects are give 2 hours of time allotment. And they only meet once a week. Unlike in the Phillipines, each subject are taugth twice a week with at least an hour of time allotment.

1.4 Materials and Other Learning Sources

  • Text Book
  • Films Plays and Acts
  • Media
  • Games
  • Lectures
  • Demonstrations
  • Digital Learning and Lectures
  • Speech
  • Actual Performances and Actual Demonstrations

1.5 Measurement and evaluation system

Students are evaliated based from actual performances and their examinations. Other evaluations includes quizes and assignments.

Below is the grading system used.

1.6 Curriculum

The school uses a local- based and practicum-based. The students learn the general education curriculum provided by the government like every other school. And a practicum-based curricullum which allows them to be equipped with the knowledge related to their chosesn carreer.

Below is the English Curriculum.

1.7 Teaching Plan

Below is the teaching plan used and made by my cooperating teacher on her class.

Click the link and video below to learn more about SMKN 4 Malang.


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